I finished reading one of the articles for last week's coursework: Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities, by Eve Tuck (https://doi.org/10.17763/haer.79.3.n0016675661t3n15 , PDF available for free). I have previously discussed Decolonization is not a metaphor which is co-authored by Eve Tuck.
This article caused me to realize something about my own activism around Indigenous political issues, including LandBack.
I'll offer some context first. When I started my self-directed antiracism training, some key books helped give me the language and context of everything I've learned since. There are two key aspects of that reading that direct my activism:
- Individuality as a form of white privilege. Whites see themselves as individuals, but they see non-whites as representatives of entire groups. This leads to huge misunderstandings. One is the notion there is a pan-Indigenous perspective on any issue.
- Individual prejudices vs systemic racism.
Turtle Island Diversity
It is useful for people to look at a map of what some call North America, and others call Turtle Island. This represents 24.7 million sq. km, or 16.5% of the Earth's total land area, vs. Europe's 10.2 million sq. km, which is 6.8% of the Earth's total land area.
Turtle Island and Europe have had human inhabitants for tens of thousands of years, and developed their own civilizations, including their own origin stories, religions, governments and nations.
One of the myths that Europeans spread was that when they visited Turtle Island they didn't find nations or civilizations. In fact, the only thing they didn't find were subjects of Christian European Monarchs, and then declared (as demanded by their pope) anyone who wasn't a Christian or a subject of these Monarchs to somehow be lesser.
While something like the European Union didn't form until 1993 and with Brexit didn't survive a full 30 years before losing a member, the participatory democratic Haudenosaunee Confederacy became 6 nations in 1722, and was a confederacy of 5 nations possibly since 1142.
The Haudenosaunee is a matrilineal society where the responsibility for land falls to women. Every time I hear Skyler Williams, spokesperson for the pro-democracy freedom fighters at 1492 Land Back Lane, talking about needing to get direction from the clan mothers I am in awe. I wish the governance systems I live within had comparable ways of making decisions and having spokespersons convey rather than having a person dictate from the the top of a hierarchy.
This is a strong democratic society that has existed for hundreds of years. It should embarrass anyone who thinks of themselves as Canadian to know that Canada sent in the RCMP to depose this democratic government and install an "elected" band council bureaucracy that is responsible to the Canadian Crown and not Haudenosaunee citizens. Every day that Canada refuses to recognize this democratic government, and doesn't fold the anti-democratic band council, is an additional stain on Canada.
While I often exhibit Haudenosaunee Confederacy envy, because I am closely following some pro-democracy Freedom Fighters from Six Nations of the Grand River, I was born and have always lived on land of one of the Anishinaabeg nations.
The Anishinaabe, like most Anishinaabemowin speaking (Western historians/anthropologists call Algonquian) groups on Turtle Island, are patrilineal. This is not to be confused with the more western notion of the patriarchy, as women have much greater decision making roles in pretty much every Turtle Island nation I've become aware of than in European societies. As with the Haudenosaunee, attempts at consensus building is the preference over the more top-down decision making more familiar to Europeans. This grouping includes Ojibwa, Odawa, Potawatami, Chippewa, Mississauga, Algonquin, and Delaware nations.
This is 13 nations within the largest two confederacies/unions within what Europeans called the Province of Ontario, and that doesn't include all the nations within these arbitrary European-drawn lines.
Europeans easily think of there being huge differences between European nations, such as British compared to Serbians, or even between the British, French, Spanish and Dutch who set up colonies on Turtle Island. The historical connection to France that a subset of people in Quebec have causes them to think of themselves as a "distinct society".
The different histories of Europe and Turtle Island has actually allowed there to be greater diversity on Turtle Island. While most Europeans share the same origin story as depicted in the book of Genesis that is common for Abrahamic religions (most known being Judaism, Christianity and Islam), there is a wider diversity of origin stories and derived worldviews on Turtle Island.
(See: Is religious freedom camouflaging ongoing colonialism and empire building?)
Beyond Turtle Island diversity, which suggests a lack of their being a pan-Indigenous perspective, I have also noticed that most nations try to build consensus rather than use hierarchical authorities. Indigenous governance tends to be more transparent than western governance, which has caused no end of confusion for westerners collaborating with Indigenous nations.
This means that settlers must engage in critical thinking and comparing a wider variety of perspectives. They should not try to look for a single authoritative source of a pan-Indigenous perspective even if a perspective appears to be from a respected group. If you don't know the governance process that was used to generate a document, you have no way of knowing how many people a given viewpoint represents, or if it had peer review or consensus building behind it.
Mistakes made by looking for (or believing in) an authority for a pan-Indigenous perspective commonly leads to the association fallacy type of "honor by association".
Individual prejudices vs systemic racism.
Only by changing the systems can we stop Canada from encouraging and/or forcing Canadians to carry out racist activities.
We have had Prime Ministers from a series of parties: Liberal-Conservative, Liberal, Conservative Party (historical), Unionist Party, National Liberal and Conservative Party, Progressive Conservative Party, Conservative Party (new).
Each of these governments have carried out racist activities, and ongoing genocide against Indigenous peoples.
The NDP party has formed provincial governments, and have carried out the same types of activities. Some of the most common critiques come from people who believe that the problem is unique to the Liberal and Conservative parties. While I see individual members (including elected caucus members) doing great work, the Canadian federal and provincial parties all maintain foreign Eurocentric systems.
It is the system that is flawed, including the fact that Canadians seem to want to build top-down party-driven democratic institutions which itself is based on western worldviews. The fact that so many people are focused on the person who becomes the Prime Minister is part of the systemic failure.
A focus on individuals rather than systems commonly leads to the other form of association fallacy: guilt by association.
Theories of Change...
I believe that some of the ways of changing Canada may have to involve litigation, as the systems of Canada aren't going to change without being forced to do so. This is going to involve domestic courts as well as international courts and tribunals.
This is going to involve education, but not about a damaged people but of a fundamentally flawed foreign system of governance which I personally believe has no place on Turtle Island. The creation of the USA and Canada are in and of themselves acts of White Supremacy , and I personally believe the long-term goal should be Indigenous governance throughout Turtle Island. While sharing amongst nations has been possible with other nations, I believe the last few hundred years has firmly demonstrated the inability of systems built from European worldviews to share.
My activism
Warning: If you do that, you will have some white settlers telling you that you are not allowed to ask questions, and that you are only allowed to listen. Be prepared for discomfort, as there are additional dynamics in this type of activism beyond already uncomfortable heated political debates.
This is hard emotionally draining work that requires we be aware of the need for self-care.
Mistakes will be made...
I have 52 years of life experience to re-evaluate as I unlearn false notions and replace that with what I'm learning now. I'm not always going to be able to avoid those false notions taking temporary control.
This is a really foolish thing for me to have said, especially after having read many articles, and parts of books, explaining why it is stupid. And I said it in public, and it's up there for all to see (until Twitter fades away into nothing). In the moment I went one further foolish to ask the author if they were being sarcastic?
Even if you don't want to read any of the books and articles I have, a quick web search for `"not all white" racist` will bring you to articles such as Yes My Dear, All White People Are Racists. It is written by someone in the USA, but Canadians need to get over the myth that the systems of Canada aren't also built firmly upon racism and white supremacy.
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